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Make A Wish

USA, 2002. 100 Min. Millivres

A comic twist on the classic horror tale! A group of women head to the Texas wilds for a camping trip. It's aclassic horror tale! A group of women head to the Texas wilds for a camping trip. It's Susan's birthday, and she's invited her ex-lovers for a little celebration. Even before the first tent is pitched, there are signs of trouble: a jealous boyfriend, a crossbow-wielding hunter, and a peculiar detective lurking nearby. Susan's plans for the first day include relaxing by the old water hole and the obligatory march up the mountain. Unscheduled activities include some steamy tent-hopping. But then, one by one, the campers begin to disappear.

Regie: Sharon Ferranti
Darsteller: Moynan King, Hollace Starr

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